Poison ivy, scientifically known as Toxicodendron radicans, is a common plant found in North America known for its notorious ability to cause skin irritation. It contains a toxic oil called urushiol, which can trigger an itchy, blistering rash upon contact with the skin. Poison ivy is identifiable by its three-leaf pattern and can be found in various environments, from forests to urban areas.
It’s important to recognize and avoid poison ivy to prevent contact and subsequent skin reactions. If you do come into contact with it, thorough and immediate washing with soap and water can help remove the oil and mitigate the rash. The severity of the reaction can vary from person to person, but identifying and steering clear of poison ivy is the most effective way to avoid the discomfort and irritation it can cause.

I am not one to run to the doctor, I prefer using natural methods to help my body heal, so over the years, I’ve tested many natural remedies to get rid of poison ivy rashes.
That being said, if you have trouble breathing, swallowing, or have poison ivy in your eyes (been there) don’t hesitate to see a doctor.
Common Remedies for poison ivy rash
We’ve all heard about making a paste with baking soda and water and placing it on the poison ivy rash to stop the itch. It doesn’t work, at least not for me.
Other common remedies include Creams, gels, and ointments. This might work in the short term, but the problem is that they keep the poison ivy moist which causes it to grow and spread…
So what works?
Also read: Natural remedies for a head cold
Tried and tested remedies
First off, if you realize that you’ve touched poison ivy, wash the affected area right away to prevent the rash.
The best wash I’ve used is Tecnu Extreme.
It’s not completely natural, but it does work.
Use it when you think you came in contact with poison ivy and after blisters have started.
Sometimes this works right away to prevent the rash, but not always. Poison ivy seems to have a mind of its own…
Bentonite clay
I always have a jar of bentonite clay in my house.
This stuff is amazing. Mix it with water, apply it to your poison ivy rash, and let it sit until it dries.
It draws out toxins from the affected area and dries the poison ivy rash and blisters. It also works on spider bites!
Hyland’s poison ivy tablets
These homeopathic tablets are taken orally. They help relieve the symptoms of poison ivy. My husband swears by these. He doesn’t get poison ivy as bad as I do, but when he does get it, he’ll take these and it’s gone within a few days.
Take magnesium pills
Magnesium helps your body get rid of toxins and it works for getting rid of poison ivy! This is my favorite method.
You can use any or all of these methods in conjunction with each other.

What not to do
Don’t wash the affected area with hot water. Yes, it feels good on the blisters, but the hot water opens the blisters and the oil spreads to other parts of the body…Not fun.
Don’t use bleach to get rid of your rash! I cringe whenever I hear that people try this!
Bleach can cause further damage to your skin. I can’t think of a reason to use bleach for anything ever, especially on your body…
Do not inhale smoke from burning weeds or poison ivy. You can get poison ivy internally, in your mouth and throat. The smoke can cause your eyes to swell up with blisters as well.
How to prevent getting poison ivy rash
Wear long sleeves and pants when working outside or walking through the woods.
Wipe down your dogs or cats before touching them after walking through tall weeds or in the woods. They can’t get the rash, but they can carry the oil and pass it on to you.
Wear gloves when pulling weeds and dig the poison ivy plant out by the roots to get rid of it.
This content is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. I am not a medical professional and the information contained on this blog should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health illness. Read my full disclaimer to learn more.

This post is very helpful. I’ve never heard of these remedies and we get poison ivy so bad in my family. I will need to try that clay. Thanks
I used to get poison ivy all the time as a kid. Now it seems like it doesn’t bother me. Even if I pull it out of the ground with my bare hand while gardening. My mom used to wipe us down with a vinegar solution to dry it up. It burned so bad that she would tell us to start running once she applied it to try to air it out. But it worked. I’ll keep your tips in mind if I ever end up with it again.
Thank you for these tips! We just moved to a house with a lot of poison ivy around, so I need to be much more aware of how to prevent exposure!